محصولات ما

Bronze phosphor sheet
Alloys made primarily of copper and tin are called tin bronzes, and since phosphorus is added to these alloys for the purpose of oxygenation during casting, the bronze sheets of bronze, called “phosphor bronze sheets”, or “Phosphor Bronze” are also known.

Stainless sheet
Stainless sheet is one of the most widely used equipment in the gas, water, oil, air, petrochemical, power plant, food, pharmaceutical and chemical industries.

Aluminium sheet
One of the most prominent properties of Aluminum Tile is the ability to produce aluminum sheets up to 7 microns (0.007 mm) thick. Aluminum sheet is produced in different sizes and alloys, it is very light and flexible and can be easily bent or surrounded by objects.

Copper sheet
One of the largest consumers of the copper sheet is the electricity industry, since copper is the best inexpensive metal for power transmission, as well as copper, in comparison with other transporter, has a certain standard. In addition, its exceptional copper power and its resistance to corrosion and corrosion make it It has become the most secure and safe transporter for wire making.

Brass sheet
Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc metal, the ratio of which in the alloy determines the type of brass sheet according to its use. Some types of rice are also called bronze, although bronze is an alloy of copper and tin.

Raw Sheet
Hardness or surface hardening is a kind of heat treatment in which, by using the special working conditions and the perimeter, the surface of the sheet is hardened, while the chemical composition of the sheet does not change, and finally a sheet is obtained that has the desired surface hardness on the side of the stitch Being.
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